What Got You Here Won’t Get You There - by Steven Pressfield #
Date Read: 2018-12-06 #
Notes #
- We think other people are confused. We are not the person that needs to change
- We go into denial
- We attack the other party
Beliefs that made us successful make us unwilling to change
- I have succeeded
- I can succeed
- I will succeed
- I choose to succeed
These make us thing we have everything we need to succeed, like a superstition
People change only when the incentives are right - it is in their best interests. You must believe the reason you need to change
20 of the worst interpersonal habits successful employees exhibit in the workplace: In general, need to win, need to be right and need to show off are deadly when it comes to interpersonal habits.
Feeling the need to win too much
Adding too much value to a conversation
Passing judgment
Making destructive comments
Starting with “No,” “But,” or “However”
Telling people how smart we are
Speaking when angry
Negativity, “Let me explain why that won’t work”
Withholding information
Failing to give proper recognition
Claiming credit that we don’t deserve
Making excuses
Clinging to the past
Playing favorites
Refusing to express regret
Not listening
Failing to express gratitude
Punishing the messenger
Passing the buck
An excessive need to be “me”
Goal obsession - making the wrong sacrifices at the expense of a larger mission.
Getting Feedback #
Request people giving the feedback to
- Let go of the past
- Tell the truth
- Be supportive and helpful
- Pick something to improve yourself - so everyone is focused on improving and not judging
Don’t express your opinion when you get feedback
How to get feedback on your own? #
Important because if people don’t believe you have changed for the better, you have not changed. Their opinions are the ones that matter. (Looking for behaviours unknown to us but known to others)
Solicited - How can I do better?
Unsolicited - listen, luck, awareness
Observational -
- Make a list of people’s casual remarks about you, compiling and focusing on the negatives
- Turn the sound off - sensitizing yourself to other’s body language, e.g., what they do when they see you, what happens in meetings.
- Complete the sentence - If I do something, I will get _. e.g. If I get in shape, I will be be healthier. Do it five times, listen to what really matters.
- Listen to what you always boast about. - It just might be the thing you are weakest at.
- Look at home for clues too. What you are poor at work, you are poor at at home too.
After identifying your worst one or two bad habits, use the following process to improve your effectiveness:
- apologize
- advertise your plan to change - if no one knows you changed, you have not changed.
- listen - before saying anything, ask “Is it worth it?”
- give thanks
- follow up monthly for 12-18 months - becoming better is a process
- practice feedforward, not feedback: ask for two ideas for future improvement, listen, say thank you, and repeat the process with several other people
What people say is important at work
- “I’m finding meaning and happiness now. The work is exciting and I love what I am doing”
- “I like the people. They are my friends. This feels like a team. It feels like a family I could make more money working with other people, but I don’t want to leave the people here.”
- “I can follow my dreams. This organization is giving me a chance to do what I really want to do in life.”
Alternatively, ask what would you feel if your company was wiped out tomorrow. How would you feel? Angry? Sad? Relieved?